Well I hope that everyone had a Happy Holiday!!  Or a Merry X-mass!!  Or in the original, a Happy Saturnalia!!  How every you want to say it or celebrate it, I hope it was a good one!! 

THE snow has been great. Wow, let me just say it again.  This has been a great ski season so far.  I am at 14 for the number of snow days now.  And it continues to be good.  I haven’t been out skiing this much… well, I guess since my kids were younger and they were in ski and snowboard programs.  I am truly hoping that the snow continues in the mountains.  Funny, I say mountains because here on the Front Range of Colorado we are still in what is considered a drought.  Where I live in Fort Collins, we only average about 15 inches of moisture per year and as of this date we are still about 6 inches behind, a little more than 1/3 of our total moisture.  Crazy.  But and there is always a but, as an old farmer told me once, “Most things out here are irrigated, so as long as it snows in the mountains, we should be good.”  And so that is what I am hoping!!

Cathy Fromme Prairie Trail in Fort Collins, Monday, December 17th, temperature was close to 60 degrees!
Riverbend Ponds in Fort Collins, December 29th, 2018
Riverbend Ponds in Fort Collins, December 29th, 2018 – Wow!!  You never know what you might see!!

Trying to get in a little bit of last-minute walking, biking and running for 2018.  Again, that is what is pretty cool about Fort Collins and the Front Range of Colorado is that you can ski in the mountains and then you can come down and do some fair-weather activities too.  It can still be cold but no ice or snow on the ground and as long as the sun is on you… not too bad.

???????????WHAT WILL RELIGION DO???????????

  • “You don’t need religion to have morals.  If you can’t determine right from wrong, then you lack empathy, not religion.” Anonymous
  • “This is my simple religion.  There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophy.  Our own brain, our own heart is our temple.  The philosophy is kindness.” – Dali Lama
  • “If your religion requires you to hate or hurt someone.  You need a new type of religion.” – Unknown
  • “Religion was invented when the first con man met the first fool.” – Mark Twain
  • “When you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or anything else, you are being violent.  Do you see why it is violent?  Because you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind.  When you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence.  So, a man who is seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion, to any political party or partial system; he is concerned with the total understand of mankind.” J. Krishnamurti
  • “We shouldn’t even need the word “atheism”.  If people didn’t invent ridiculous imaginary gods.  Rational people wouldn’t have to deny them.” – Ricky Gervais
  • “Your ignorance of scientific knowledge is not evidence that god exists.” – Unknown

The last couple of weeks I have been doing a little bit of contemplating of how religion will change over the next 10 to 20 years.  And change it must.  As we continue down the path of better understanding of the laws of nature and our place in the universe, religion will have mounting pressure to adapt.  Or maybe I should say that those who use religion as power, a way to exert control on the masses, will have to adapt.  New discovers are being made every day in science, in all fields of science, around the world.  If you want to see how fast things are coming out, check out the website called:   Most the articles are a synopsis of the topic, usually one or two pages long, and have a link to the original article at the bottom. On each article heading at the bottom there is a clock showing how long ago the article came out. If you follow the web page for a week or two, it become readily apparent that things are moving along at a good clip.  Ray Kurzweil the American inventor, author and futurist talks about the “Coming Singularity.  Where things change so fast that it seems like magic so to speak.  One day something is not possible then tomorrow it is.  The web site covers all aspect of science.  From hard Astrophysics to Biology and Medicine. 

Not really sure how religion will eventual deal with it all?  Take the example of exoplanet discovery.  When the first discoveries were made over 20 years ago, the science and scientist involved did not get much attention other than a little ridicule from their peers.  Now the number of exoplanet discoveries are staggering.  There are over 3000 known exoplanets as of June of 2018?!  Just think of that for a moment.

And then realize that we are only looking at a very, very small fraction of the known universe.  I read somewhere that it was like “Looking at a glass of seawater sitting beside the ocean.”  We are not even scratching the surface yet and there are already 1000s of discovered exoplanets.  Unreal.  We are not the center of the Universe.  How does religion cope with that?  And what happens when life is inevitable discovered on one of these exoplanets or moons of exoplanets? How does that fit into any “Earth Religion”?  Maybe it will be time to write a new “divinely inspired” section to the Bible, to the Koran, to the Buddhist text, etc.…. to help explain exoplanets!!  Do a quick web search and you will find that the “exoplanet discoveries” have already been analyzed by “creationist” and they have come to some interesting rationalizations.  My favorite is when they twist words from the bible to mean whatever they want or need for explanation.  I think that they are going to have to do better than this!  We are but a small speck in our galaxy.  What hubris to think that our planet is the only planet with life.

Genetics and Synthetic Biology is another huge game change in my opinion.  Recent advances in this field have given us the ability to change the human genome forever.  We now have the capability to manipulate genes at the sperm and egg level without “controlled” breeding.  The potential, good or bad for Eugenics is a real possibility.  To create plants, animals and humans that have never been seen before on planet earth.  What if you designed telomers that never shortened?  Lifespans could become a moot point.  Live as long as you want, no need for the Buddhist idea of rebirth, or Christian and Muslim heaven, or hell.  How would religion cope with that?? There have already been advances with Synthetic Biology that are just mind blowing when you think about the potential possibilities.  DNA is made up of four building blocks, Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine and Guanine – all life, as we know it, is made up this way.  But now researchers have living microbes that have 6 building blocks.  A totally, never before seen organism on this earth, semi-synthetic and most important making proteins….  Check out this clip on YouTube:  

The implications of rapid advances in genetics and how it will affect synthetic biology are incalculable, for a better understanding check out this Wiki page on Synthetic Biology:   Or do what I did and re-watch the short TED talk on YouTube that I posted above and then try to imagine all the possibilities!!

AI is another one that gives me pause when it come to religious thinking.  While we have not created a “sentient” AI yet (that I know of), I believe that the day will come when we do.  This will be another game changer.  I think that just creating very, very smart Algorithms or what I would call “Super Smart Calculators”, will get us closer, but not “sentient”, the true break through could be some kind of semi-synthetic modified organism or animal or human mated to hardware…  Wow the ethics involved in that?!  Crazy?!

When I think about some of the advances in the above topics, it is not too hard to imagine these scenarios or something similar happening.  How does religion handle that?  How much twisting of the “holy word” will that take to explain the above advances in science?  If we colonize Mars or the Moon, do we take the same old religions and their associated dogmas with us?!  Do we want to create the same old hatreds, bigotries, intolerance’s, prejudices, racism’s that exist on earth today because of religion? Do we recreate them on Mars or the Moon?  And if we don’t, what do we replace it with?

 I think there is a solution.  All religions, MINUS THE GODS, have some great pieces of psychology and sociology incorporated into them.  These thoughts and writings have been refined over time to help explain and guide human nature and morality.  They are as true today in some cases as they were 10 thousand years ago.   Why not create a true Universal Moral Code that incorporates the best from all religions.  But no belief in any “magical beings.”  Something similar to what Dr. Kent Keith came up with in 2003 when he was writing about morality and ethics.    

The advantages to be able to do this would be immeasurable to the human race.  Can you imagine, if we gave up the belief in the supernatural (i.e. Gods) and moved to some kind of “Universal Moral Code.”  No more wars, death and destruction based on religion or the excuse of religion.   Something that could be applied to all aspects of life, that we all agree upon, that treated ever one equally and fairly.  That could be applied to a person and a business.  That could curb the excesses and greed of capitalism and Corporations.  That did not see Science as the enemy?  Isn’t it about time the human race left the trappings of the belief in a Godhead and moved into a modern age of enlightenment? This could be the first step….  The question becomes will we do it willingly or will it be forced upon us by continuing advances in science??

Search for Enlightenment by Simon Gudgeon.

That is about it for me on this blog post.  Hope I have given you dear reader something to think about.  Damn, where did the time go!?  It’s almost a new year.  What will 2019 bring?  Oh well I guess we will have to wait and see.  There is an old saying that “Reality is stranger than Fiction” and I truly believe that to be true.  I do not think that 2019 will be any different.  So, take care my friends.  Set those New Year’s resolutions and get healthier!!  I will see you next year!!

X-mass Dinner with some of the family 2018


I hope that it has been a good week for everyone!!  The thing I would like to talk about in this blog is one that I really think will be a game changer in current and ongoing human evolution.  It starts with  the news out of China a few weeks ago.  A researcher there has genetically modified two human babies prior to fertilization to prevent both from becoming HIV positive because one parent has HIV. This sounds like a rather simple issue but it is huge….  Sounds great on the surface, but what does it really mean?  The researcher modified the germ-line, another words, before conception, at the sperm and egg level.   And the way that I understand it, these two babies will carry this modification for the rest of their lives and will be able to pass it along to their offspring, who will pass it along to their offspring, who will….  So, the picture becomes a true, possible permanent change in the human genome. These two kids will look like us, but have never existed in the history of humans.  Let me say this again, their genomes, have never existed in the history of humans, until now.  That in and of itself is pretty amazing but it gets better.

Could an x-men scenario become a reality!!

CRISPR (clustered regularly inter spaced short palindromic repeats)– the gene editing technique that allowed the “precision” to do this can be applied to all kinds of conditions and diseases caused by your genetics.  Now imagine you are planning a family and you want a child to be stronger, have denser bones, or to run faster, for example.  Well…. The genes to edit for this are all known.  See the You Tube video link for an explanation:

If you have the money and political clout, who is going to stop you?  Who is going to stop you from permanently altering the human genome for your own child’s benefit or your countries benefit?  And when your child grows up and has kids, what will these passed along alterations, potentially change in the next child, etc.….  If you are wondering like I was about this, take a look at some Science Fiction on the subject.  You might have seen a few of these already but here is a short list of some of my favorites.  Remember that every technological change that has occurred in our world was once just Science Fiction.

Great movie about the manipulation of genetics and how it creates the haves and the have nots.  Well worth the rental!  
Fantastic TV series on genetics and the potentials for good or bad with Cloning.  A five-season series that is well worth the rental!
A book series (three books) created by Nancy Kress about what can happen for good or bad, when you mess with the human Genome. One of my favorites.

There are many,many more examples in popular culture (movies, TV, books, magazines) of stories about the good and bad of genetic modification. My point in writing to you dear reader about this is that sometimes the things that truly change the world are what seem on the surface small.  They make little waves and are soon pushed aside in the noise of everyday life.  I believe the events that happened in China about 9 months ago, present today as twin new born girls, are one of those things. Life on this planet as we know it has changed, it might not be readily apparent yet, but it has. I used to think that the next big evolution inhumanity would be a machine interface of some kind, but now I am not so sure.  It might still be part of the picture but “genetics” will play an immense role.  And of course, this could be looked at as good or bad.  It will really depend on other forces that have the potential to drive it.  As a recent example, there is a push by the Religious Right to end research on fetal stem cells.  Some of this research has to do with curing HIV. If you limit this area of research, then a real-life example is what I just talked about.  Since the Chinese Genetics researcher has shown that he can prevent the transmission of HIV, how many others will take this approach, because fetal Stem Cells are out of reach?  What will be the consequences??  Are we ready for the changes coming to our world??   

Could a “Super Solider” be part of our future. A new/old idea – rebirth of the “Warrior Cast.”
Back Country Skiing at Cameron Pass!!

Well I have to say that the last couple of weeks have been good!!  The skiing has been great and I really cannot complain. I guess if I did though, the only fly in the ointment is that I have to work a little bit and take a class or two?! What is that about??  Oh well, I do have to work at the day job in order to pay the bills and keep doing what I want and love to do.  And let me say it again the skiing has been great!!  I love Colorado, where else can you get in skiing at two or three different resorts and disciplines in the same day?!  Really there are not too many places on earth that would allow that kind of access just due to the logistic of time and travel.  And if that was not enough, to come home, back to Fort Collins, and the next day do a fantastic bike ride or trail run?!  So cool. Now of course it does not always happen that way due to weather or having to work but these past few weeks it has been…. Just fantastic!!

A question that I get a lot, is why don’t I play golf?  And the answer I give is “I don’t have time.” Between all the other outdoor activities that I like to do, the problem becomes one of just not having enough time. I feel this is a good problem to have. One of the best decisions I ever made was to leave Texas and move to Colorado.  There are a lot of good people down there in Texas, but just not the opportunity.  Especially for the outdoors.  Teddy Roosevelt became president a little too late to help with land preservation in the state of Texas. 

A-Basin early in the AM on Tuesday, November 27th, getting ready for a Randonee Race!!  11F degrees in the parking lot!!

Loveland ski area at the Eisenhower Tunnel looking North, same day as the above picture, but in the afternoon.  You can just make out I70 at the bottom!!
Riding on the Spring Creek trail in Fort Collins Wednesday afternoon, November 28th.  Love riding this bike!!  Trek Cross Country 29er with lockable shocks so that you can ride bike trail or dirt!!
Contemplating a long bike or trail run, beautiful afternoon weather, Saturday 8th,December 2018. I went with the run!
Snowshoe trip at Montgomery Pass, Monday December 10th, lots and lots of snow!!

Well that is going to be about it for me this week.  Need to get back out there and do some more skiing. Hope your weekend is a great one. Remember your commits and questions are always welcome.  Take care my friends and see you “Out There!!”